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PrEP Consultation and Visit

Empowering protection, through personalized care.

  • 30 minutes
  • From 80 Barbadian dollars
  • Bridgetown, Barbados

Service Description

A PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) consultation and visit typically involve several steps to ensure that the individual is well-informed and medically eligible to start PrEP. Here's a general outline of what might happen during a PrEP consultation and visit: Appointment scheduling: The individual contacts their healthcare provider to schedule a PrEP consultation. Medical history and risk assessment: During the consultation, the healthcare provider will take a detailed medical history, including sexual behaviors and potential exposure to HIV. They will assess the individual's risk level for contracting HIV. Education about PrEP: The healthcare provider will explain what PrEP is, how it works, its efficacy, potential side effects, and the importance of adherence. HIV testing: The individual will undergo HIV testing to confirm that they are HIV-negative before starting PrEP. STI testing: The BFPA may also recommend testing for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) since being on PrEP requires regular monitoring for STIs. Kidney function testing: PrEP medications can affect kidney function, so the healthcare provider may order blood tests to assess kidney function before prescribing PrEP and periodically while the individual is taking it. Discussion of potential side effects: The healthcare provider will discuss potential side effects of PrEP, such as gastrointestinal issues or changes in kidney function, and address any concerns the individual may have. Prescription and follow-up: If the individual is deemed eligible for PrEP, the healthcare provider will write a prescription and provide instructions for taking the medication. They will also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the individual's progress, including regular HIV testing and monitoring for side effects. Counseling and support: The healthcare provider may offer counseling and support services to help the individual adhere to their PrEP regimen and reduce their risk of HIV infection. Insurance and payment: The healthcare provider or their staff will discuss insurance coverage and payment options for PrEP medication, as well as assistance programs that may be available to help cover the cost. Overall, the PrEP consultation and visit aim to ensure that the individual is well-informed about PrEP, medically eligible to start it, and equipped with the support they need to adhere to their medication regimen and reduce their risk of HIV infection.

Contact Details

  • BFPA (Formerly known as the Barbados Family Planning Association), Bridgetown, Barbados


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